miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Immersion 3

Martes 23 de octubre

Hola a todos! Desayunamos muy temprano porque teníamos muchísimas actividades planificadas. Al fin el sol! El desayuno fue muy completo. Se realizaron juegos y actividades pensando en el gran show de la noche: WILD WILD WEST SHOW. Luego se preparó toda la escenografía y los libretos para la gran actuación de los cowboys y cowgirls! Se realizaron las entrevistas de trabajo también. Qué linda tarde pasamos. Los chicos encontron unos cachorritos que habían nacido hacía muy poquito. Las fotos lo dicen todo. Cuanta ternura!
A las 8 comenzó la cena a la luz de las velas esperando a todos los protagonistas de la noche.
Qué bien que estuvieron chicos! Un placer y un orgullo verlos actuar y hablar en inglés en las obras de teatro que preparon. Algunos realmente nos sorprendieron!!!!!!!!!!!! Los counsellors hicieron de cortineros y de "stand up actors/actrecesses" entre cada grupo y entre las escenas. Qué genios!
Realmente, los chicos estuvieron fantásticos!!
A las 11 aprox tuvieron el snack antes de irse a dormir!!! Qué noche!!! todos cantaban las canciones que habían aprendido durante todo el día.

Miércoles 24 de octubre
Como nos acostamos relativamente tarde, desayunamos a las 9.30 hs. Los chicos organizaron el BANK y el SHOP, donde con el pasaporte en mano se podía cambiar dinero para comprar golosinas. Ojo, máximo 20 pesos por persona! Se organizaron las habitaciones para preparar todo el equipaje y al mediodía almorzamos todos juntos. Los grupos recibieron los merecidos "NUGGETS" o premios por la buena disposición, la conducta, el hablar en inglés todo el tiempo y por las actividades realizadas en el día.
Recibieron sus tan merecidos CERTIFICATES y no pararon de conversar con todos los counsellors: Matt, Todd, Sophie, Tim and Angus.
Mas de uno /una se quiso quedar otros 3 días mas.......!!!!
No quiero dejar de decirles que todos los counsellors nos felicitaron por el comportamiento de todos los chicos!!!! ´Qué orgullo !!!!
Gracias a todos!!! chicos y papis por habernos dejado compartir esta experiencia todos juntos!!!!  Como olvidarnos de Leticia y German (coordinadores de Fase 2) y Miss Adriana & Miss Andrea.
Nos vemos el año que viene en el próximo IMMERSION CAMP!!!

Si quieren ver las lindas fotitos que sacamos Click here
 Y si quieren mas y mas fotosClick here

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Immersion 2

Les mandamos mas fotitos para que puedan disfrutar!!


Immersion 1

Lunes 22 de octubre

Hola a todos!
Recien esta mañana nos podemos comunicar porque la tormenta de ayer suspendió el servicio de Internet.
Les contamos que llegamos muy bien a las 10.30 aprox . Los chicos pasaron por la Aduana donde les confiscaron muchas muchas cositas que tenían inscripciones en castellano!. Se ubicaron en sus habitaciones y comenzaron las actividades. Hicieron presentaciones, armaron banderas de cada grupo. Hasta nosotros (los teachers y los coordinadores de Fase 2) hicimos nuestra bandera. El nombre de nuestro grupo es LET THE SUN SHINE!!! Hicimos fuerza para que saliera el sol perono tuvimos suerte.
Almorzamos tarta de 3 gustos distintos (choclo, jamón y queso y zapallitos) con ensaladas y de postre ensalada de fruta casera. Todos repitieron el plato!!!
A la tarde continuaron las actividades, hicieron las entrevistas de trabajo y cantaron sin parar.
La cena llegó a las 19hs aprox. Un grupo se duchó antes de la cena y otro grupo quedó para después. Todos estaban mas que felicies compartiendo juegos y canciones en inglés.
Quiero destacar y comentarles que el comportamiento de todos los chicos ES EXCELENTE!!! Los counsellors y los coordinadores no pueden creer como se están comportando todos. El almuerzo, la cena y el desayuno fue un placer. Todos conversando con su counsellor y super atentos a todas las consignas.
Ah !!! a la noche festejamos el cumple de Rosario. Las personas encargadas de la cocina le cocinaron una riquisima torta y soplamos la velita todos juntos.!
Acá van una lindas fotitos!!! Que las disfruten!!!
Hoy está saliendo el sol!!!!!!!!!!!!

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

IMMERSION COURSE October 22nd-24th

Hello everybody!
As you all know we are organizing our Immersion Camp in Mercedes. You need to know a couple of things before going. Read all instructions carefully and find out as much as you can in order to be immersed in the WILD WILD WEST.
CLICK HERE to read all instructions . Good luck!

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012


The English Bookfair was a complete success!!! Here you have some pics. Enjoy them!
Everybody enjoyed the fair and read many books! Both the primary and the secondary school participated and were all eager to visit the fair.
Thanks kids  and guys!!!!

 Click here to see all the photographs!!!

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012


You are welcome to visit the book fair. It will take place  from September 3rd to September 7th at the  school´s headquarters. Both primary and secondary sections will share activities and will be able to visit the fair with their teachers.

This year the bookfair will have a CHARITY PURPOSE. All students and teachers will bring a book, dictionary, novel, short story, etc  in Spanish preferably, to donate to different institutions that "EL PROYECTO SOLIDARIO ENTRE TODOS" helps. We hope you all participate and we also hope you enjoy reading books at the bookfair.

Don`t miss this opportunity!!!

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to bhe body"
Sir Richard Steele




Most of what you see on stage is fiction. However, some of the characters in the musical did exist. Find out the true life stories of Marco Polo and Kublai Khan and compare and contrast them to their fictional counterparts. Look up information about the historical times they lived in and work on a timeline that will help you understand them better.

Make a chart with the information you remembeer from the play taking into consideration its setting in time and place, the characters, the main events and its ending. then outline your version of MARCO POLO bearing in mind the previous items.


Watch this animated story.
Click here


You will see a project work prepared by a student about Marco Polo. Pay close attention to the information and take down notes about the most important things in his life.

Click here


Hi everyone!
As you know, Marco Polo is coming to our school. We would like you to listen to this short video and get in touch with one of the songs that you will listen during the play. We hope you like it!

Click here

martes, 19 de junio de 2012

1st & 2nd Elementary/ 3rd & 4th Intermediate_Mrs Marcela Roca Iglesias

Hi everybody!
If you would like to practise for the MID TERM TEST, you can go to these sites:

1st Elementary

2nd Elementary



miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

1st & 2nd Year KET_Mrs Andrea Piñeiro

Hi everyone!!!! Here you will see a video of a speaking test.
I would like you to pay attention to the video carefully and write down the mistakes the girls make.Also, note down the strong and weak points the students have. This will be useful for your test so as not to make the same mistakes again and again.

4th Year Intermediate_Mrs Marcela Roca Iglesias

Did you know there is a movie of the novel we've read in class? Watch its trailer and do the following activities: 1) Write a list of the events of the story shown in the trailer. 2) How many of the characters can you recognise? How important are they to the developmnent of the story? 3) At the end of the trailer a lawyer says: "Nobody has ever left us, nodody..." Explain in your own words what he meant by that. 4) If you saw this trailer and you didn't know anything about the story, would you feel like watching the movie? Why? Why not?

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

3rd Year Intermediate_Mrs Marcela Roca Iglesias

Let's watch a cartoon about "modern inventions" (ha ha ha! The cartoon was made in 1937!)

Click here to watch the video.

Think about the following questions and be ready to talk about them in class... and ... have fun!

1) Where did Donald go?
2) What did the robot want him to do?
3) Which inventions did he test?
4) Which one do you think is the most creative?

2nd Year Elementary_Mrs Marcela Roca Iglesias

Hi everyone!
Would you like to see some real celebrity homes?

Watch the video and answer the questions! Have fun!

1) Who owns the first house?
2) How many palm trees are there in Billy Joel’s house?
3) How many houses have a swimming pool?
4) Whose house has got a tennis court?
5) Whose house is by the sea?
6) Whose house is near a river?
7) Who has got a plane parked in his/her house?
8) Who lives in a castle?
9) What is special about the last home in the video? Who lives there?
10) Where would you like to live? Why?

Click here to watch the video

4th Year_IT Workshop_Ms María José Boga

Hi, C&Pers! Would you like to work @Google?

 If so, do you think you are “potential Google material”? This is what we are going to find out during our second project:


Let´s get started by watching Interviewing @Google.  Focus on these two questions:

What does Google expect from candidates?
What is the hiring process like?

Tip: You do not need to understand every single word.
Listen for the main ideas and write down the words or phrases you find relevant for the project. Click here


One of the first things to do when we apply for a job is to prepare a resume or CV, as our CV is a company´s first impression of us.

What should we do when preparing it?

Read Google´s tips here!
Click here

See you in class!

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

1st & 2nd year KET_ Mrs Andrea Piñeiro

Pay attention to the video. The man speaks rather fast but try to have the questions ready to be able to answer them.
Remember to lower the blog´s music. 1) Why is "The Silk Road" not a silk road?
2)Why did it change the world?
3)Mention the two roads that made up "The Silk Road"
4) What did people trade?
5) What did they do with the products they traded?
6) What was The Silk Road used for?
7) What did the Mediterranean and India export?
8) What is the Kushan Empire?
9) Why did  The Silk Road affect all of us? Mention the 3 reasons clearly

2nd year KET_Mrs Andrea Piñeiro Speakers´Corner


2nd Year KET talked about the different civilizations in the World. Travellers went from Europe to the Far East in search of different things. The most famous traveller was Marco Polo who travelled from Venice to China. Europeans, like Vasco da Gama, Bartholomew Diaz and Christopher Columbus looked  for new routes by sea.
 Now we have the stories of the voyages of exploraration.
You were really great!!! Good Job, people!

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

Entrega Certificados Internacionales de Cambridge, London University, al Mérito Académico y al Compromiso

Hoy tuvimos un día muy feliz en el Departamento de Inglés. Los alumnos del Nivel Medio recibieron los Certificados de los Exámenes Internacionales de Cambridge: KET, PET y FCE y también los certificados de la Universidad de London: BREAKTHROUGH. Este año también quisimos premiar el esfuerzo, la constancia y la perseverancia, es por eso que los alumnos recibieron una certificación al MÉRITO ACADÉMICO y al COMPROMISO. Felicitaciones chicos por los excelentes  logros!!!
Click to play this Smilebox photo album
Create your own photo album - Powered by Smilebox
Personalize a photo album

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

5th BEC_ Ms Laura Dopazo

Dear Students,
Here you will find an activity to learn more about the different departments in a company. There are many more activities you may find interesting on this page!
Click here

And for those of you who would like to practise listening, there's a new series focusing on English communication in the office, called English at Work.
Click here

Hope you like it!

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

1st and 2nd Ket_Mrs Andrea Piñeiro

Look at the pictures carefully and pay close attention to the lyrics of the song. What is the message? Are all bullies the same in all situations? Can you mention different types of bullies and different types of bullying?

Watch the video carefully

1st and 2nd KET_Mrs Andrea Piñeiro

Hi everybody!
We have seen a lesson about BULLYING in class and we have talked about the causes and its effects on students. Now I would like you to watch this video and take down notes about the things that a bully does to Fito. Think of the causes and effects we have read at school and take down notes.
Watch this video carefully.

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

3rd Intermediate_Mrs. Marcela Roca Iglesias

Would you like to have extra for the test you have next Thursday?
Try these activities!

Question words

Click here

Prepositions of place
Click here

Prepositions of time
Click here

Click here

and here

Present simple and present continuous
Click here

Infinitive and gerund
Click here

and here

Good luck & try to practise a lot!

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

viernes, 6 de abril de 2012

4th Year Intermediate_Mrs Marcela Roca Iglesias

Dear Students,
Do you want to know if the story "It only takes Juan Mann to change the world" is true?
Go to this site and find out. Click here

Did you watch the video in the site? Would you hug Juan if you met him in the street? Now go to the site again and do the true and false exercise in the following document. I´ll tell you in class when we´ll discuss answers.Please, print the google doc so we can work together.

Would you like to listen to the song mentioned in the site? You can listen to the song and read the lyrics here.

KET#4_Mrs Andrea Piñeiro

You can practise your reading and writing skills for the KET exam with this link. Click here

KET#3 _Mrs Andrea Piñeiro

Present Continuous vs Simple Present
You can practise different exercises with this link. Pay attention and concentrate. Click here

Past Continuous vs Simple Past
You can also use this link to learn more about S.Past & Past Cont. Click here

Present Perfect vs Simple Past
More exercises.... Click here

I hope you enjoy working together!

KET#2 _Mrs Andrea Piñeiro

Grammar, Vocabulary & Listening Comprehension
You can practise vocabulary, grammar and listening comprehension for your exam with this link. Complete all the exercises and see the score you get. Good luck!
Click here

KET#1_Mrs Andrea Piñeiro__Understanding your Statement of Entry

Read and example of your Statement of Entry. If you work hard and pass your examination, you will have a statement of result similar to this one. This statement shows you the different parts of the exam and the marks you get in each one. Click here


Easter, which celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead, is Christianity's most important holiday. It has been called a moveable feast because it doesn't fall on a set date every year, as most holidays do. Instead, Christian churches in the West celebrate Easter on the first Sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox on March 21. Therefore, Easter is observed anywhere between March 22 and April 25 every year.

jueves, 5 de abril de 2012


Holy Thursday

There are a variety of events that are clustered on this last day before Jesus was arrested that are commemorated in various ways in services of worship. These include the last meal together, which was probably a Passover meal, the institution of Eucharist or Communion, the betrayal by Judas (because of the exchange with Jesus at the meal), and Jesus praying in Gethsemane while the disciples fell asleep. Most liturgies, however, focus on the meal and communion as a way to commemorate this day.

During the last few days, Jesus and His disciples had steadily journeyed from Galilee toward Jerusalem. On the sunlight hillsides of Galilee, Jesus was popular, the crowds were friendly and the future was bright. Even his entry into Jerusalem had been marked by a joyous welcome. But in Jerusalem there was a growing darkness as the crowds began to draw back from the man who spoke of commitment and servanthood. There was an ominous tone in the murmuring of the Sadducees and Pharisees who were threatened by the new future Jesus proclaimed.

Even as Jesus and his disciples came together to share this meal, they already stood in the shadow of the cross. It was later that night, after the meal, as Jesus and His disciples were praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, that Jesus was arrested and taken to the house of Caiaphas the High Priest. On Friday He would die.

In any case, this Thursday of Holy Week is remembered as the time Jesus ate a final meal together with the men who had followed him for so long. We do not have to solve these historical questions to remember and celebrate in worship what Jesus did and taught and modeled for us here, what God was doing in Jesus the Christ. And the questions should not shift our attention from the real focus of the story: the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Traditionally in the Christian Church, this day is known as Maundy Thursday. The term Maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum (from which we get our English word mandate), from a verb that means "to give," "to entrust," or "to order." The term is usually translated "commandment," from John's account of this Thursday night. According to the Fourth Gospel, as Jesus and the Disciples were eating their final meal together before Jesus’ arrest, he washed the disciples' feet to illustrate humility and the spirit of servanthood. After they had finished the meal, as they walked into the night toward Gethsemane, Jesus taught his disciples a "new" commandment that was not really new (John 13:34-35):

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, you also ought to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

The colors for Maundy Thursday are usually the colors of Lent, royal purple or red violet. Some traditions, however, use red for Maundy Thursday, the color of the church, in order to identify with the community of disciples that followed Jesus. Along the same line, some use this day to honor the apostles who were commissioned by Jesus to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world.

The sharing of the Eucharist, or sacrament of thanksgiving, on Maundy Thursday is the means by which most Christians observe this day. There is a great variety in exactly how the service is conducted, however. In some churches, it is traditional for the pastor or priest to wash the feet of members of the congregation as part of the service (John 13:3-15). Increasingly, churches are observing some form of the Passover Seder as a setting for the Eucharist of Maundy Thursday (see Introduction to a Christian Seder and Haggadah for a Christian Seder). Some churches simply have a "pot-luck" dinner together concluded with a short time of singing and communion.

In some church traditions all of the altar coverings and decorations are removed after the Eucharist is celebrated on Maundy Thursday. Psalm 22 is sometimes either read or sung while the altar paraments are being removed. Since the altar in these traditions symbolize the Christ, the "stripping of the altar" symbolizes the abandonment of Jesus by his disciples and the stripping of Jesus by the soldiers prior to his crucifixion. This, like the darkness often incorporated into a Good Friday service, represents the humiliation of Jesus and the consequences of sin as a preparation for the celebration of new life and hope that is to come on Resurrection Day. Some churches only leave the altar bare until the Good Friday Service, when the normal coverings are replaced with black.

However it is celebrated, the Eucharist of Maundy Thursday is especially tied to the theme of remembering. As Jesus and his disciples followed the instructions in the Torah to remember God’s acts of deliverance in their history as they shared the Passover meal together, so Jesus calls us to remember the new act of deliverance in our history that unfolds on these last days of Holy week (see Remember! A Service of Communion).

Good Friday, or Holy Friday

Friday of Holy Week has been traditionally been called Good Friday or Holy Friday. On this day, the church commemorates Jesus’ arrest (since by Jewish customs of counting days from sundown to sundown it was already Friday), his trial, crucifixion and suffering, death, and burial. Since services on this day are to observe Jesus’ death, and since Eucharist is a celebration, there is traditionally no Communion observed on Good Friday. Also, depending on how the services are conducted on this day, all pictures, statutes, and the cross are covered in mourning black, the chancel and altar coverings are replaced with black, and altar candles are extinguished. They are left this way through Saturday, but are always replaced with white before sunrise on Sunday.

There are a variety of services of worship for Good Friday, all aimed at allowing worshippers to experience some sense of the pain, humiliation, and ending in the journey to the cross. The traditional Catholic service for Good Friday was held in mid-afternoon to correspond to the final words of Jesus from the cross (around 3 PM, Matt 27:46-50). However, modern schedules have led many churches to move the service to the evening to allow more people to participate. Usually, a Good Friday service is a series of Scripture readings, a short homily, and a time of meditation and prayer. One traditional use of Scripture is to base the homily or devotional on the Seven Last Words of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel traditions.

Father, forgive them . . . (Luke 23:34)
This day you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43)
Woman, behold your son . . .(John 19:26-27)
My God, my God . . . (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34)
I thirst. (John 19:28)
It is finished! (John 19:30)
Father into your hands .
. . (Luke 23:46)

Some churches use the Stations of the Crossas part of the Good Friday Service. This service uses paintings or banners to represent various scenes from Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, trial, and death, and the worshippers move to the various stations to sing hymns or pray as the story is told . There is a great variety in how this service is conducted, and various traditions use different numbers of stations to tell the story (see The Fourteen Stations of the Cross).

Some churches do observe communion on Good Friday. However, traditionally Eucharist is not served on Good Friday since it is a celebration of thanksgiving. Good Friday is not a day of celebration but of mourning, both for the death of Jesus and for the sins of the world that his death represents. Yet, although Friday is a solemn time, it is not without its own joy. For while it is important to place the Resurrection against the darkness of Good Friday, likewise the somberness of Good Friday should always be seen with the hope of Resurrection Sunday. As the well- known sermon title vividly illustrates: "It’s Friday. But Sunday’s a’comin’!"

Holy Saturday

This is the seventh day of the week, the day Jesus rested in the tomb. In the first three Gospel accounts this was the Jewish Sabbath, which provided appropriate symbolism of the seventh day rest. While some church traditions continue daily services on Saturday, there is no communion served on this day.

Some traditions suspend services and Scripture readings during the day on Saturday, to be resumed at the Easter Vigil after sundown Saturday. It is traditionally a day of quiet meditation as Christians contemplate the darkness of a world without a future and without hope apart from God and his grace.

It is also a time to remember family and the faithful who have died as we await the resurrection, or to honor the martyrs who have given their lives for the cause of Christ in the world. While Good Friday is a traditional day of fasting, some also fast on Saturday as the climax of the season of Lent. An ancient tradition dating to the first centuries of the church calls for no food of any kind to be eaten on Holy Saturday, or for 40 hours before sunrise on Sunday. However it is observed, Holy Saturday has traditionally been a time of reflection and waiting, the time of weeping that lasts for the night while awaiting the joy that comes in the morning (Psa 30:5).

5th Year BEC_Miss Laura Dopazo

Dear students,
I'd like to share with you the video of the famous CEO Steve Jobs delivering his famous commencement speech.
Here we see Steve Jobs delivering his commencement speech to the graduates of Stanford University in 2005. In it he talks about getting fired from Apple in 1985, life & death.
I hope you enjoy it!

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012


Dear Students.

We are reading an adaptation of one of Edgar Allan Poe's Classics, "The Masque of the Red Death"
You can watch two versions of the story. The first one is simple, just like the version we have read. The other version is exactly like the original short story. You will find a lot of differences between the two versions.
So get a bowl of popcorn, turn off the lights and enjoy the horror show!

A 15 minutes version from 2007

The Red Death, part 1

The Red Death, part 2

The original short story turned into a film starring the master of horror, Vincent Price, is here

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

I hope you enjoy the film!

3rd Year Elementary_Mrs Ma. Elisa Suarez

Dear Students
Here's the official video for Paramore's "The Only Exception"

5th Year Elementary_Mrs Ma.Elisa Suarez

Dear Students,

Would you like to see Dido performing "mary's in India" live?


martes, 3 de abril de 2012

4th Year Elementary_Mrs Ma. Elisa Suarez

Dear Students,

By clicking on the following links you will find more exercises to study for our exam on April 16th

Unit 1 Body and mind
Present Perfect Simple theory and exercises
(lots of exercises with different degrees of difficulty)
Click here

Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple?
Click here

Extreme adjectives
Click here

and click here

Health problems (these are for you to print)
Click here

Have fun!
Miss Ma. Elisa

3rd Year Elementary_Mrs Ma. Elisa Suarez

Dear Students,

By clicking on the following links you will find more exercises to study for our exam on April 12th

Unit 1 TV and news
General vocabulary about TV
Click here

Multiple choice on TV words
Click here

Multiple choice on TV words
Click here

Listen to Danny talking about his favourite "Friends" episode
Click here

Past Simple and Past Continuous theory and online exercises
Click here

Verb to be (was/were/there was/there were)
Click here

Have fun!

Miss Ma Elisa

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

WORKSHOP 1st Advanced_ Ms María José Boga

Hi kids!
Watch the video JUST THE WAY YOU ARE by BRUNO MARS ! We sang beautifully, didn´t we? Hope you like it!


El 22 de noviembre del 2000 el Poder Legislativo argentino sancionó la Ley Nº 25370, por la cual se declara al día 2 de abril como Día del Veterano y de los Caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas. Dicha ley se promulgaría finalmente el 15 de diciembre de ese mismo año. Fue luego modificada el 7 de junio de 2006 para declarar inamovible al feriado nacional, por lo cual no podrá ser trasladado al lunes anterior o siguiente para conformar un fin de semana largo.

El 2 de abril de 1982 las Fuerzas Armadas de Argentina desembarcaron en Puerto Argentino/Stanley para iniciar la recuperación de las Islas Malvinas, ocupadas por el Reino Unido desde 1833. Esto desencadenó la Guerra de las Malvinas que se desarrolló desde ese día hasta la rendición argentina el 14 de junio siguiente.

El 18 de marzo de 1983 se promulgó la ley 22769, que creó el feriado del 2 de abril con el nombre de Día de las Islas Malvinas, Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur.


What is Palm Sunday?
On Palm Sunday Christians celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection. For many Christian churches, Palm Sunday, often referred to as "Passion Sunday," marks the beginning of Holy Week, which concludes on Easter Sunday.
The Bible reveals that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds greeted him by waving palm branches and covering his path with palm branches. Immediately following this great time of celebration in the ministry of Jesus, he begins his journey to the cross.

Watch this video from THE GOSPEL OF JOHN

FCE1_ 3rd and 4th years: Mrs Adriana Lado

Hi everybody!
I would like to share some parts of A TALE OF TWO CITIES with you. Can you compare the film with the book we are reading in class? Are there differences or similarities?. Watch it carefully and let´s discuss this in class. I hope you like it.
Part 1


sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012

Performance of Monseñor Dillon´s Irish Dances

How nice it was! Congratulations on your excellent performance. You were fantastic, girls!

Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa



St Patrick is known as the patron saint of Ireland. True, he was not a born Irish. But he has become an integral part of the Irish heritage, mostly through his service across Ireland of the 5th century.

Patrick was born in the later half of the 4th century AD. There are differing views about the exact year and place of his birth. According to one school of opinion, he was born about 390 A.D., while the other school says it is about 373 AD. Again, his birth place is said to be in either Scotland or Roman England. His real name was probably Maewyn Succat. Though Patricius was his Romanicized name, he was later came to be familiar as Patrick.

Patrick was the son of Calpurnius, a Roman-British army officer. He was growing up as naturally as other kids in Britain. However, one day a band of pirates landed in south Wales and kidnapped this boy along with many others. Then they sold him into slavery in Ireland. The was there for 6 years, mostly imprisoned. This was when changes came to him. He dreamed of having seen God. Legend says, he was then dictated by God to escape with a getaway ship.

Finally, he did escape and went to Britain. And then to France. There he joined a monastery and studied under St. Germain, the bishop of Auxerre. He spent around 12 years in training. And when he became a bishop he dreamed that the Irish were calling him back to Ireland to tell them about God. The Confessio, Patrick's spiritual autobiography, is the most important document regarding this. It tells of a dream after his return to Britain, in which one Victoricus delivered him a letter headed "The Voice of the Irish."

So he set out for Ireland with the Pope's blessings. There he converted
the Gaelic Irish, who were then mostly Pagans, to Christianity. He was confident in the Lord, he journeyed far and wide, baptizing and confirming with untiring zeal. And, in a diplomatic fashion he brought gifts to a kinglet here and a lawgiver there,but accepted none from any.

Indeed, Patrick was quite successful at winning converts. Through active preaching, he made important converts even among the royal families. And this fact upset the Celtic Druids. Patrick was arrested several times,but escaped each time. For 20 years he had traveled throughout Ireland, establishing monasteries across the country. He also set up schools and churches which would aid him in his conversion. He developed a native clergy, fostered the growth of monasticism, established dioceses, and held church councils.

Patrick's doctrine is considered orthodox and has been interpreted as anti-Pelagian. Although he is not particularly noted as a man of learning, a few of his writings remain extant: his Confession, a reply to his detractors, and several letters. The Lorica ("Breastplate"), a famous hymn attributed to Patrick, may date to a later period. By the end of the 7th century Patrick had become a legendary figure, and the legends have continued to grow since then. There are many legends associated with St Patrick. It is said that he used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the concept of the Trinity; which refers to the combination of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Hence its strong association with his day and name Legend also has that, Saint Patrick had put the curse of God on venomous snakes in Ireland. And he drove all the snakes into the sea where they drowned.

True, these are mostly legends. But, after some 1500 years, these legends have been inseparably combined with the facts. And together they have helped us know much about the Saint and the spirit behind celebration of the day. Patrick's mission in Ireland lasted for over 20 years. He died on March 17, AD 461. That day has been commemorated as St. Patrick's Day ever since. The day's spirit is to celebrate the universal baptization of Ireland. Though originally a Catholic holy day, St. Patrick's Day has evolved into more of a secular holiday. Or, rather, 'be an Irish Day '. And the Irish has borne it as part of their national tradition in everywhere they populated and prospered. The Catholic feast day for this most loved of Irish saints has become a holiday in celebration of the Irish and Irish culture. The leprechaun, a Celtic fairy, has become entrenched as a chief symbol for this holiday, as is the shamrock, an ancient symbol for the triple goddess Brigit. It is fitting that this holiday should fall at the time of the year when the return of spring begins to seem at hand. But why the icons like the green color, the tri-leafed shamrock, the leprechaun, or the pot of gold and Blarney's stone- all came to be associated with the celebration of this Day? And what do they all mean?

MONSEÑOR DILLON SCHOOL was part of the celebration in Luján. Watch this video!



3rd & 4th Intemediate_Ms Marcela Roca Iglesias

Hi! Would you like to see the videos of the songs we worked in class?

Here is "What doesn´t kill you makes you stronger"

and "Set fire to the rain"

Last, but not least "I'll survive" by Gloria Gaynor (A very old video clip, ha ha!)

Look! I found a very nice version (and more modern too) of the song "I will survive" by Glee. They mixed it with Destiny's Child "Survivor" I hope you like it .

and if you haven't got bored of watching videos yet, here's Suvivor´s original video by Destiny's child.

And if you'd like to sing, you'll find the lyrics here
click here

How can the song "Survivor" be compared to the others? Similarities? Differences?

See you in class! I'd like to know your opinion!!!!

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

Welcome back!!!

Dear students,
We all welcome you back to a new school year. We hope you study a lot and have fun at the same time!!!

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

ENGLAND #32 viernes 10 y sábado 12

Cuando volviamos en el subte comenzó a nevar. Los chicos estaban muy felices porque jugaron con la nieve en la estación del underground. Tuvimos que caminar y caminar desde la estación hasta el hotel. Eran unas cuantas cuadras.
El viernes nos levantamos bien temprano y emprendimos nuestro día hacía BUCKINGHAM PALACE para esperar el cambio de guardia que se realiza todos los viernes a las 10.30 pero por la nieve se suspendió. Igualmente nos sacamos varias fotitos.

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Nos fuimos caminando hasta Hyde Park y de ahi tomamos el subte hastas Harrod´s. Qué lujo ese lugar. Muy muy top y con precios muy caros. Un grupo de chicos se fue con Carla al Chelsea Stadium y otro grupo con las 3 teachers. Nos encontramos a las 6 de la tarde en un punto en común y nos fuimos a cenar. Teníamos previsto despues de cenar ir al LONDON EYE pero cuando llegamos ya había cerrado.

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Miren detenidamente las fotos del baño de Harrod´s!!!

Volvimos al hotel y a la mañana siguiente, o sea el sábado 12 nos fuimos al London Eye. Increible la vista de todo Londres desde allí. Continuamos nuestra travesía hasta TRAFALGAR SQUARE y de ahí en subte hasta CAMDEM TOWN, un lugar muy típico para comprar y regatear precios. Almorzamos y ya nos fuimos a visitar ABBEY ROAD, la calle que hicieron famosa los Beatles. Estuvimos parados allí, los chicos paraban el tránsito para posar de a 4 juntos sobre la líneas blancas de la calle como si fueran los Beatles, también dejaron plasmado en las paredes de Abbey Studios sus firmas. Volvimos al hotel para agarrar las valijas y partir hacía HEATHROW AIRPORT. Una maratón de lugares en pocos días. Todos disfrutamos realmente mucho.
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QUIERO AGRADECERLES A TODOS Y A CADA UNO DE UDS Y LOS CHICHOS POR ESTE VIAJE. LA EXPERIENCIA FUE INOLVIDABLE. OJALA SE VUELVA A REPETIR. Espero sinceramente que hayan disfrutado del blog al ver las fotos y las actividades que hicimos día por día.
FIN !!!!